How to Choose the Right & experienced Spine Surgeon Bangalore

 When it comes to choosing the best spine surgeon India, experience and credentials are extremely important. In addition to these factors, you should look for surgeons who have received continuing education, are board certified, and belong to a recognized spine organization. You should be comfortable signing your consent form with a surgeon, who is willing to explain the procedure in detail. Furthermore, you should find out about the surgeon's personal success rate and approachability.

Find a best spine surgeon India with a strong track record

The most important quality to look for in a spine surgeon is their track record. The ideal surgeon will have performed dozens, even hundreds, of surgeries of your type. You should also look for a surgeon who specializes in newer procedures, such as minimally invasive keyhole procedures. But how do you find out if a physician has a strong track record in a new procedure?

Your primary care physician can recommend a spine surgeon to you. Look for one with a track record of positive patient outcomes. Look for a board-certified spine surgeon. Board certification distinguishes specialists from those without specialized training. It also shows that a physician has met certain standards, undergone adequate training, and passed rigorous testing. Therefore, you can trust a board-certified spine surgeon to give you a quality treatment.

Verify a spine surgeon's credentials

Before you choose a spine surgeon, make sure you verify his or her credentials. A physician should be board certified or board eligible, and a member of a major spine organization. The American Board of Spine Surgeons and the North American Spine Society are two such organizations. These organizations offer information on the qualifications of each physician, and you can verify their credentials by using the search features on the medical board websites.

best spine surgeon Bangalore who is board certified should have undergone a fellowship in spinal surgery. It's not uncommon for a physician to say that he completed his residency training in General Surgery before moving on to spinal surgery, but this is not always true. In fact, one physician's "fellowship" in spine surgery was only five weeks long, and his training involved very little actual spinal surgery. Consequently, this type of doctor can't be relied on for expert advice.

Learn about a spine surgeon's patient success stories

If you're looking for a best spine surgeon India, it can be helpful to learn about his or her patient success stories. Dr. Yogesh Pithwa, a fellowship-trained neurosurgeon, helped his patient Kathy with a herniated disc. In this patient success story, he describes the YESS procedure - or a lumbar microlaminectomy and laminoplasty - which is intended to relieve the symptoms of a herniated disc. The surgeon uses a camera-equipped probe to operate through a small incision.

Prior to his surgery, Dr. Yogesh Pithwa - Best spine surgeon Bangalore explained the procedure to Jordan and allowed him to sleep comfortably in his own bed. His treatment removed the pain in his left arm and he was able to go to Costco the same day. He continued to walk regularly after his surgery. His recovery time was quick, and he was able to go home the next day. His mother raved about his compassionate care and the results of the surgery.

Learn about a best spine surgeon India's approachability

Before you choose a spine surgeon, you should think about several factors. These include the surgeon's background and reputation, his or her bedside manner, and how well you get along with him or her. You may find it easier to share information with a doctor you feel comfortable talking to or whose dememormor makes you feel relaxed. Ideally, your surgeon will listen to your concerns, express genuine concern, and make you feel comfortable and at ease.

In addition to examining their surgical skills, you should learn about a spine surgeon's approachability and level of expertise. There is an enormous learning curve associated with spine surgery, which means your physician may need more than two years to become an expert. Read reviews online to see if other patients have a positive or negative opinion of a particular doctor. Moreover, look for spine surgeons who belong to spine-specific practices, as they are more likely to be up to date and employ the latest techniques.


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