How to Treat Scoliosis - From Stretches to Surgery
There are many treatment options for scoliosis, from exercises and stretches to surgery. Choosing the right treatment option depends on the cause of the condition and the person's level of comfort and flexibility. Read on to learn more about the different options and determine which one is right for you. From bracing and stretching to surgery, there are many things you need to know about scoliosis. Exercises Exercises to treat scoliosus involve specific stretches to help with a patient's back alignment. A good stretch for the scoliosis patient is the upward and downward dog. Begin in a plank position on the floor. Push your hips back and straighten your back, making your chest and body parallel with the floor. Hold this position for two to five seconds before returning to the starting position. This exercise stretches your back muscles and relaxes the spine. It also helps ease the curve associated with scoliosis. Begin on hands and knees, with palms down. Pull your navel towa...